205 S. Broadway, STE 708
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Scope Shoulder Surgery After a California Car Accident

What You Need to Know After a Scope Shoulder Surgery After a California Car Accident

While no one intends to be in a car accident, unfortunately, innocent people are harmed every day in motor vehicle crashes.  According to statistics, each year, roughly 3,904 Californians were killed in motor vehicle accidents, and another 277,160 people were injured. People who are fortunate enough to survive motor vehicle accidents often sustain injuries that could be life-changing. Many of the most common injuries are to joints like the shoulder.  Commonly, people require surgeries to fix damage resulting from their injuries. One example of a common surgery performed on a shoulder is arthroscopic surgery, also known as scope shoulder surgery. Arthroscopic surgeries are quite common, with over 1.77 million occurring annually annually in the United States for shoulders, knees, hips, elbows, ankles, and other body parts.  They are common after a motor vehicle crash.

Our experienced southern California car accident attorney at the Broadway Law Firm knows just how common a scope shoulder surgery after a California car accident is after handling so many for our clients.  We have helped victims and their families in Los Angeles, Pasadena, Santa Monica, Torrance, Long Beach, and the rest of California recover compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages, medical bills, loss of consortium, and other damages.  Learn how we can help you during a FREE consultation by calling 866-845-1350.

Anatomy of the Shoulder

The anatomy of a shoulder is complex, with several different components. There are three bones in the shoulder, including the humerus (upper arm), scapula (shoulder blade) and clavicle (collarbone). Additional parts of the shoulder include the following:

  • Shoulder Capsule – The shoulder capsule is a group of ligaments that surround the shoulder’s ball-and-socket joint. Additionally, the ligaments function to connect the shoulder’s socket (glenoid) to the upper arm bone (humerus). Another main function of the ligaments is to provide overall joint stability. 
  • Ball and Socket – The humerus (upper arm bone) fits into a socket, known as the ball and socket joint. The ball of the joint moves within the socket to allow for movement in every direction. The surface of the ball and socket joint is covered by a slippery tissue called articular coverage, aiding in creating a frictionless surface that allows the bones to glide easily across each other
  • Bursa – There is a fluid-filled sac in each shoulder known as the bursa. The role of this fluid-filled sac is to reduce friction between the bones
  • Rotator Cuff – The role of the rotator cuff is to keep the upper arm bone (humerus) within the shoulder socket. There are four tendons as well as muscles in the rotator cuff that function to perform the role of the rotator cuff

While each of these structures are very sturdy and strong, they can still be damaged in a serious motor vehicle accident in California.  If you or a loved one suffered injuries to any of these components of your shoulder, ask our experienced car accident lawyers at the Broadway Law Firm for help.

Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery Explained

As mentioned above, arthroscopic surgery is quite common in the United States, and is utilized for a number of injuries. In fact, arthroscopic surgery is now the most common type of orthopedic surgeries performed to treat many patients with personal injuries such as the ones sustained in car accidents. People commonly refer to this type of surgery as just “scope shoulder surgery” rather than its actual name. 

During this type of surgery, multiple small incisions are made to the area (i.e., shoulder). Incisions made during arthroscopic surgery can be incredibly small or are typically up to an inch long. A camera is used during arthroscopic surgery to see structures in the joint or area that the surgery is being performed. The images from the camera are displayed on a video monitor so that the surgeon can effectively guide the tools within the damaged area to repair the injury site correctly.  One incision is made for the camera, while the other incisions are for the tools that are used to perform the surgery. An additional incision may be made to inflate the area being worked on with air to make it easier to see the area needing repair as well as work to repair the injury. 

Different Types of Scope Shoulder Surgeries

As mentioned above, arthroscopic surgeries are the most commonly used surgery to treat personal injuries in California car accidents as well as across the United States. Most of the time, an arthroscopic surgery is performed on a specific joint. Common arthroscopic surgeries that are performed to repair damage within the shoulder include the following:

  • Repair or removal of the labrum
  • Ligament repair
  • Repair of the rotator cuff
  • Removal of loose cartilage
  • Removal of inflamed tissue
  • Repair for patients experiencing recurrent shoulder dislocation

Less commonly, shoulder scope surgeries are used to repair fractures, remove cysts, or release nerves.

When is Scope Shoulder Surgery Recommended?

Arthroscopic shoulder surgery is usually recommended once nonsurgical treatment has been tried, such as physical therapy, rest, or localized injections to the area of injury to reduce pain and inflammation. Unfortunately, many times, people who sustain personal injuries in a car accident will require surgical repair due to the extreme forces of a crash.  

Most people who require scope surgery need it due to seatbelt injuries, high-speed crashes, rollovers, or impacts that cause physical damage to the shoulder or arm, such as from the impact itself.

Did You Suffer Shoulder Injuries in a Car Accident?  Ask Our Personal Injury Lawyers for Help

If you or a loved one suffered shoulder injuries after a California car accident, learn how our Los Angeles lawyers at the Broadway Law Firm can help recover compensation for your personal injuries.  We offer FREE consultations and can work with your treating physicians to help causally relate your shoulder injury to the motor vehicle accident.  Learn how we can help you during a FREE consultation by dialing 866-845-1350.

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